Groups + Bible Studies

Men’s Events + Bible Studies

Men’s Upcoming Speaker Event

Join Luke Witte, former collegiate (Ohio State) and professional (Cleveland Cavaliers) basketball player, as he shares his life story. Luke will highlight how being “at the center of the worst event in sports in the 20th century” shaped his faith and his family.

Weekly Men’s Studies

  • Age 50 & up, but anyone is welcome. We follow closely the scriptures used in church the Sunday before meeting. Often an email of some "discussion starters" will go out on Monday or Tuesday AM, but no "homework or pre-reading" is expected.

    Email Rusty Andrews for further details.

  • The age range is mid-40s to mid-70s. We meet at Eggs Up in Cornelius on Wednesday mornings at 7 AM. There is always an empty chair for any guy who wants to join. We are studying “Prophetic Portion of the Book of Daniel and the Book of Revelation.”

    Email Mike Whittington for further details.

  • Our group is welcome to all men! We currently have men ranging from single men in their 20s to young family men in their 30s, 40s, and 50s. We are studying 2 Corinthians. We'd love to have you come check it out!

    Email Drew Richards for further details.

  • This group is made up of men in their 30s-70s. We are spending time in 1 Corinthians. We do not have any set requirements other than men who don't have it all together & want to take their relationship with the Lord to a different level.

    Email Brad Vice for further details.

  • This group is for retired men who no longer have to meet at sunrise to get to work on time. We meet from 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM on the 2nd & 4th Thursday of each month (except for November & December). We enjoy a time of coffee and fellowship before beginning an inductive study of a short passage of Scripture. Our time together seeks to further our personal growth by considering applications of the passage to our lives.

    Email Jeffrey Sich for further details.

Women’s Events + Bible Studies

Women’s Fall Retreat

The Storyhill Women’s Ministry Team would love to worship, learn, and grow alongside you in the mountains this fall. We will gather at Ridgecrest Conference Center in Black Mountain, NC on for a weekend of teaching, fellowship, and worship from September 27-29! We are full of hopeful anticipation for this weekend that Jesus set aside for the women of Storyhill Church to draw near to him and each other. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at We have scholarships available for women who need financial support to join the retreat. Please contact us to request a scholarship.

The Book of Romans

a deeper dive in to the sermon series with a small, safe group of women

*More specific location details will be given upon registration

  • September 23-November 11

    Led by Cynthia Mitchell in River Run


  • September 4 - November 20

    Led by Amy Dickmann on the line of Davidson and Mooresville


  • September 3-November 19

    Led by Heidi Karant in Davidson


  • Beginning September 5

    Led by Holly Worsley in Davidson

    *childcare available upon request


  • September 10-November 5

    Led by Polly McCauley in Mooresville


  • September 26-May 2025

    Led by Joy Stamey in Mooresville

    *studying the book of Jude
