Additional Resources
We believe there should be no brighter display of creative thought, art, and imagination than in the Church.
Formed in the image of the great Creator himself, with his Spirit inside us and our eyes open to the greatest Truths in existence, the pieces are all there. To that end, we’ve curated and/or created some additional resources here for worship and spiritual growth. Some are original to our Storyhill community, and some we’ve come across elsewhere but find intriguing enough to share. We pray they’ll be an encouragement on your own journey!
Tabitha’s Books
Authored by our lead pastor Michael Flake, Tabitha’s Books are free (yes, free!), short, straightforward books written to help those living or exploring the Christian faith. Click here to visit the website, request an order, or donate.
You Me & the Bread
Storyhill is home to a hearty group of musicians and songwriters committed not only to serving in our weekly worship gatherings, but to investing considerable time in writing and sharing new songs of worship here and beyond. Their work is available most anywhere you’d search for music these days under the artist name “You Me & The Bread”. To learn more or purchase a physical CD, click here.

Sermon Library
View our archive of sermons from Storyhill Church.
Storyhill on Spotify
Storyhill Church has a Spotify account where we post playlists of all the songs we sing on Sunday mornings!
Podcast Archive
During the Spring/Summer of 2020, Storyhill (at the time still LFCD) enjoyed producing our first podcast “Midweek with LFCD”. Listen to the episodes by clicking below.