grow together

Connecting with Jesus centered community.

One of our favorite parts about being a church family is that we get to be witnesses to and champions of the Story that God is writing in each other’s lives.

Wherever you are on your journey with Jesus, you are growing— even when it’s hard to see. Whether it’s with a community group, a mentor, through serving on a team or participating in a Bible study, Storyhill offers many opportunities to help each other grow and become more like Jesus.

storyhill studies

Whether you are cautious, curious, or committed to Jesus, these church-wide classes and opportunities to explore more about faith and life occur regularly throughout the year and summer. There is always room here for you to safely learn and we would love to have you!

One of our passions as a church is to journey like Jesus by doing life together. None of us is called to go it alone as we are all called to live life in community. Community Groups consist of 8 – 15 people who meet regularly to share scripture, celebrate the successes and good times of life, as well as comfort one another during the tough and disappointing times.

community & care