
Our primary focus in college ministry has always been to come alongside and support the existing college ministries at Davidson College. In addition to supporting the work of campus ministries, Storyhill’s main focuses for college ministry are:

Helping students connect to a local church - We want to help students be a part of a larger body of believers during their college years, and do our best to find a way for students to meaningfully belong and serve in a local church, whether it's here at Storyhill or at another church in the area. 

Encouraging involvement in campus ministries - We hope that students get connected at a local church, but we also see great value in what campus ministries offer in terms of discipleship and community. We hope to help students connect with a group of students who can help them navigate the unique demographic and life stage they’re in.

Facilitating intergenerational relationships - there is much to be gained among your peers, but even more to be learned from other generations. Through programs like Connect-a-Cat, we make an intentional effort to make space for meaningful relationships to develop between those younger and older than us.

We’d love to talk and do whatever we can to help connect you with a church, a campus ministry, or a friend!


Connect-a-Cat is about building meaningful connections between our Davidson students and individuals or families in our church. If you are a college student interested in connecting with a mentor or family, or if you are family or an individual interested in caring for and investing in a college student throughout their time at Davidson, this is for you! How often you get together is up to you, but we recommend at least a weekly touchpoint (text, call, etc.) and getting together twice a semester to build the relationship.

Contact our Connect-A-Cat Volunteer Coordinator, Kelli Fagala, for more information.

Summer Ministry Internship

Storyhill has been hosting Summer Ministry Interns for nearly a decade now, and our hope for this program is to help summer staffers grow as Christians, professionals in their field, and community members. The components of being a Summer Ministry Intern consist of discipleship, professional development, and community.

  • Ministry Interns will participate in a summer-long Bible study and a weekly book discussion. These individuals examine several spiritual practices that will give time for stillness and going deeper into their faith. We challenge our Ministry Interns to serve in meaningful ways. Lastly, they will receive individual training from their ministry area supervisors through one-on-one weekly meetings.

  • Ministry Interns serve in a specific ministry area and learn the soft and hard skills required to contribute to that ministry in a meaningful way. Throughout the summer, Ministry Interns interact and build relationships with ministry partners, elders, and other staff at Storyhill. We aim to help each participant consider how to be ministry-minded regardless of their chosen career path.

  • Ministry Interns will get a taste of fellowship with college-aged students that are a part of the Ministry Intern cohort. We will have exciting activities planned for summer staff as a cohort to help create the strong bond this program can build.

Contact Us:

Associate Pastor

Gray Segars

Ministry Administrator for the Associate Pastor

Amy Coleman

Connect with Campus Ministries

Davidson College has several great campus ministries that we’d love to help you get connected with.

Here’s a list of the various ministries and contact information for their leaders:


Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) 

Rev. Andrew Goyzueta

Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)

Jordan Gealy


Sierra Macfarlane


InterVarsity Christian Fellowship

Tracy Mattison Brandon

Campus Outreach

Jorell Story

Thursday Night Worship

Lindsey Hayob