Storyhill Events

In View of God's Mercy | Part 1
to Oct 27

In View of God's Mercy | Part 1

Romans is a much-beloved and yet daunting book of the Bible. Almost every chapter could be a sermon series in itself. The major themes are God's righteousness (Ch. 1-4), God creating new humanity (Ch. 5-8), God fulfilling his promise to Israel (Ch. 9-11), and God unifying the church (as a multi-ethnic people) (Ch. 12-16). Our goal in this series is not to offer an exhaustive study of every part of the book but to move through significant sections quickly enough for people to catch the supreme statement of theology, according to Karl Barth: Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so. What does not change in a rapidly changing world? What is not up for a vote every 4 years? We find a sure foundation in Jesus to build a meaningful life.

You and I are invited to live "in view of God's mercy" (cf. Romans 12:1), as expressed most clearly through the life and ministry and death and resurrection of Jesus. It is truly life-transforming. We often look for security in others' approval, finances, education, patriotism, group tribalism, health, kids' success, relationships, control, independence, reputation, giftedness, etc. These are often good things on which we are placing too much weight. We are simply asking too much of them. As we consider the words of the Apostle Paul to the Christians in Rome, may we come to find our deepest security in the only One who can bear the weight of our lives.


  • September 1 – Romans 1:1-17

  • September 8 – Romans 1:18-3:20

  • September 15 – Romans 3:21-4:25 (COMMUNION)

  • September 22 – Romans 5:1-21

  • September 29 – Romans 6:1-23

  • October 6 – Romans 7:1-25

  • October 13 – SERVE DAY

  • October 20 – Romans 8:18-30

  • October 27 – Romans 8:31-39 (COMMUNION)

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Kids Serve Team Orientation

Kids Serve Team Orientation

The church works best when her people are receiving and serving within the church. As we serve together, we engage in the Holy Spirits redemptive mission. On the Storyhill Kids Serve Team, we get excited about loving kids as they discover and live out their role in God’s redemptive story! Attend the next Serve Team Orientation on the 2nd Sunday of each month to lean more about the Kids Team! Prior to attending orientation class, please fill out THIS APPLICATION

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GriefShare - Week 1

GriefShare - Week 1

GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone--wherever you are in the grieving process, you are welcome in this group.

Meets in Storyhill’s Cotton Mill Office Living Room at 209 Delburg Street #136, Davidson, NC 28036.

Please order your workbook through the GriefShare website if possible.

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Communion Sunday

Communion Sunday

Communion, like baptism, is a sacrament, meaning it is both a symbol and an assurance of God’s covenantal love. There is a symbolic nature to communion, like baptism, in that it paints a picture of how Jesus loves his followers. And yet, it is not simply symbolic. In communion, we are strengthened by God’s love.  

With communion, we remember the last meal Jesus shared with his first disciples before his crucifixion. Luke 22:14-16 - When the hour came, Jesus and his apostles reclined at the table. And he said to them, “I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer. For I tell you, I will not eat it again until it finds fulfillment in the kingdom of God.” 

When the first Christians saw the crucifixion of Jesus, they understood what he meant when he said his body would be broken for us, and his blood would be poured out for us. Jesus offered himself willingly as the Ultimate Passover Lamb, whose sacrifice invites us to experience God’s mercy, whose blood seals his followers into a covenantal relationship with God now and forever. 

How do we discern the body of Christ in communion? (1) In communion, we remember we are united with Jesus. In communion, we discern the body of Christ by recognizing that Jesus was broken and poured out for us. Jesus was crucified willingly to move our lives in a new direction as people who can be sealed in a covenantal relationship with God, as we say YES to Jesus. In communion, we remember that Jesus was [point] broken for us. So that we might be forever united with him, forever walk with him.  

If you would like to read more about Storyhill Communion, feel free to read Lead Teaching Pastor Michael Flake’s latest sermon on the subject.

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Abaco Interest Meeting

Abaco Interest Meeting

Storyhill has a longstanding relationship with the Caribbean Youth Network in Abaco, Bahamas. We would love for you to join our mission trip in partnership with CYN, where service opportunities may include youth ministry, sports outreach, light construction, painting, and food distribution.

Open to high school students and up, with space for 20 participants. No construction experience required.

To apply, attend one of the required interest meetings: Sunday, 9/15 at 12:15 pm at the YMCA upstairs conference room or Wednesday, 9/18 at 7:00 pm at the Storyhill White House (Zoom option available).

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GriefShare - Week 2

GriefShare - Week 2

GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone--wherever you are in the grieving process, you are welcome in this group.

Meets in Storyhill’s Cotton Mill Office Living Room at 209 Delburg Street #136, Davidson, NC 28036.

Please order your workbook through the GriefShare website if possible.

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Abaco Interest Meeting

Abaco Interest Meeting

Storyhill has a longstanding relationship with the Caribbean Youth Network in Abaco, Bahamas. We would love for you to join our mission trip in partnership with CYN, where service opportunities may include youth ministry, sports outreach, light construction, painting, and food distribution.

Open to high school students and up, with space for 20 participants. No construction experience required.

To apply, attend one of the required interest meetings: Sunday, 9/15 at 12:15 pm at the YMCA upstairs conference room or Wednesday, 9/18 at 7:00 pm at the Storyhill White House (Zoom option available).

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GriefShare - Week 3

GriefShare - Week 3

GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone--wherever you are in the grieving process, you are welcome in this group.

Meets in Storyhill’s Cotton Mill Office Living Room at 209 Delburg Street #136, Davidson, NC 28036.

Please order your workbook through the GriefShare website if possible.

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Men's Speaker Event | Luke Witte

Men's Speaker Event | Luke Witte

Join Luke Witte, former collegiate (Ohio State) and professional (Cleveland Cavaliers) basketball player, as he shares his life story. Luke will highlight how being “at the center of the worst event in sports in the 20th century” shaped his faith and his family.

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Mentoring Opportunity for Moms of Young Children (Session 1)

Mentoring Opportunity for Moms of Young Children (Session 1)

For over a decade, Linda Reeb has encouraged moms of young children (typically preschoolers and elementary-aged kiddos) to lean into their God-given roles by applying the wisdom of the Bible to their everyday lives. Together, with Deb Hart and other mentor moms, we will discuss questions like, 

  • How can you align in motherhood with who God has created you to be? 

  • Is there a way to connect with other moms without comparing and competing?

  • Is your family marriage-centered, or family-centered?  If you are not married, was your family of origin marriage-centered or family-centered? What’s the difference, and why does it matter?

This group will give you an opportunity to learn, grow, and center your motherhood on wisdom from the scriptures. We look forward to cheering on moms of young  in the roles God has called them to in our world today.

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Women's Fall Retreat
to Sep 29

Women's Fall Retreat

The Storyhill Women’s Ministry Team would love to worship, learn, and grow alongside you in the mountains this fall. We will gather at Ridgecrest Conference Center in Black Mountain, NC on for a weekend of teaching, fellowship, and worship from September 27-29! We are full of hopeful anticipation for this weekend that Jesus set aside for the women of Storyhill Church to draw near to him and each other. If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at

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GriefShare - Week 4

GriefShare - Week 4

GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone--wherever you are in the grieving process, you are welcome in this group.

Meets in Storyhill’s Cotton Mill Office Living Room at 209 Delburg Street #136, Davidson, NC 28036.

Please order your workbook through the GriefShare website if possible.

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to Oct 6


VANTREAT is our fall retreat for middle and high school students. We’ll be taking a road-trip together, completing challenges, making fun pit stops, and learning more along the way about what it means to be journeying with Jesus. 

Destination: Unknown! As part of the adventure, the destination is a secret. Parents, you will get a full itinerary once we depart Davidson. If you want to know more, we will of course tell you, but ask you to help us keep the destination a surprise. 

We hope our middle school and high schoolers will join us as we continue to grow together in community alongside of our leaders and each other. 

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GriefShare - Week 5

GriefShare - Week 5

GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone--wherever you are in the grieving process, you are welcome in this group.

Meets in Storyhill’s Cotton Mill Office Living Room at 209 Delburg Street #136, Davidson, NC 28036.

Please order your workbook through the GriefShare website if possible.

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Kids Serve Team Orientation

Kids Serve Team Orientation

The church works best when her people are receiving and serving within the church. As we serve together, we engage in the Holy Spirits redemptive mission. On the Storyhill Kids Serve Team, we get excited about loving kids as they discover and live out their role in God’s redemptive story! Attend the next Serve Team Orientation on the 2nd Sunday of each month to lean more about the Kids Team! Prior to attending orientation class, please fill out THIS APPLICATION

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GriefShare - Week 6

GriefShare - Week 6

GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone--wherever you are in the grieving process, you are welcome in this group.

Meets in Storyhill’s Cotton Mill Office Living Room at 209 Delburg Street #136, Davidson, NC 28036.

Please order your workbook through the GriefShare website if possible.

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Mentoring Opportunity for Moms of Young Children (Session 2)

Mentoring Opportunity for Moms of Young Children (Session 2)

For over a decade, Linda Reeb has encouraged moms of young children (typically preschoolers and elementary-aged kiddos) to lean into their God-given roles by applying the wisdom of the Bible to their everyday lives. Together, with Deb Hart and other mentor moms, we will discuss questions like, 

  • How can you align in motherhood with who God has created you to be? 

  • Is there a way to connect with other moms without comparing and competing?

  • Is your family marriage-centered, or family-centered?  If you are not married, was your family of origin marriage-centered or family-centered? What’s the difference, and why does it matter?

This group will give you an opportunity to learn, grow, and center your motherhood on wisdom from the scriptures. We look forward to cheering on moms of young  in the roles God has called them to in our world today.

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Welcome 101 - Day 1

Welcome 101 - Day 1

If you’re new to Storyhill Church and looking for opportunities to connect and grow in your faith, the best starting place is our Welcome 101 course.

During these sessions, our pastors will lead you on a journey to help you identify where you are spiritually and also help you define your next step. As you discover your role in God’s story, you’ll build relationships, find places to share your gifts, and have an opportunity to become a Ministry Partner (our term for member).

Must attend both Saturday & Sunday. Lunch is provided on Saturday.

Saturday, October 19 9am-1 pm | Sunday, October 20 - 1:30 - 3 pm | Led by Holly Worsley & Gray Segars

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Foundations Class 1

Foundations Class 1

Foundations is our Youth version of Welcome101. This is led by staff and elders and offers our 8th & 9th-grade students an opportunity to come together and learn more about Storyhill church and how they can live out their role in God’s story. Content covers an overview of who is God, what is sin and why did we need a Savior in Jesus the Christ. We will also talk about the church’s role (as well as the role of the Holy Spirit) in continuing to carry out Jesus’ earthly ministry. We will then encourage students to think of how they can engage in the mission and vision of Storyhill Church.

Also, students will be given the opportunity to consider baptism, confirmation and joining Storyhill Church as a Ministry Partner.

Register here.

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Welcome 101 - Day 2

Welcome 101 - Day 2

If you’re new to Storyhill Church and looking for opportunities to connect and grow in your faith, the best starting place is our Welcome 101 course.

During these sessions, our pastors will lead you on a journey to help you identify where you are spiritually and also help you define your next step. As you discover your role in God’s story, you’ll build relationships, find places to share your gifts, and have an opportunity to become a Ministry Partner (our term for member).

Must attend both Saturday & Sunday. Lunch is provided on Saturday.

Saturday, October 19 9am-1 pm | Sunday, October 20 - 1:30 - 3 pm | Led by Holly Worsley & Gray Segars

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GriefShare - Week 7

GriefShare - Week 7

GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone--wherever you are in the grieving process, you are welcome in this group.

Meets in Storyhill’s Cotton Mill Office Living Room at 209 Delburg Street #136, Davidson, NC 28036.

Please order your workbook through the GriefShare website if possible.

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Foundations Class 2

Foundations Class 2

Foundations is our Youth version of Welcome101. This is led by staff and elders and offers our 8th & 9th-grade students an opportunity to come together and learn more about Storyhill church and how they can live out their role in God’s story. Content covers an overview of who is God, what is sin and why did we need a Savior in Jesus the Christ. We will also talk about the church’s role (as well as the role of the Holy Spirit) in continuing to carry out Jesus’ earthly ministry. We will then encourage students to think of how they can engage in the mission and vision of Storyhill Church.

Also, students will be given the opportunity to consider baptism, confirmation and joining Storyhill Church as a Ministry Partner.

Register here.

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GriefShare - Week 8

GriefShare - Week 8

GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone--wherever you are in the grieving process, you are welcome in this group.

Meets in Storyhill’s Cotton Mill Office Living Room at 209 Delburg Street #136, Davidson, NC 28036.

Please order your workbook through the GriefShare website if possible.

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Foundations Class 3

Foundations Class 3

Foundations is our Youth version of Welcome101. This is led by staff and elders and offers our 8th & 9th-grade students an opportunity to come together and learn more about Storyhill church and how they can live out their role in God’s story. Content covers an overview of who is God, what is sin and why did we need a Savior in Jesus the Christ. We will also talk about the church’s role (as well as the role of the Holy Spirit) in continuing to carry out Jesus’ earthly ministry. We will then encourage students to think of how they can engage in the mission and vision of Storyhill Church.

Also, students will be given the opportunity to consider baptism, confirmation and joining Storyhill Church as a Ministry Partner.

Register here.

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GriefShare - Week 9

GriefShare - Week 9

GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone--wherever you are in the grieving process, you are welcome in this group.

Meets in Storyhill’s Cotton Mill Office Living Room at 209 Delburg Street #136, Davidson, NC 28036.

Please order your workbook through the GriefShare website if possible.

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Kids Serve Team Orientation

Kids Serve Team Orientation

The church works best when her people are receiving and serving within the church. As we serve together, we engage in the Holy Spirits redemptive mission. On the Storyhill Kids Serve Team, we get excited about loving kids as they discover and live out their role in God’s redemptive story! Attend the next Serve Team Orientation on the 2nd Sunday of each month to lean more about the Kids Team! Prior to attending orientation class, please fill out THIS APPLICATION

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GriefShare - Week 10

GriefShare - Week 10

GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone--wherever you are in the grieving process, you are welcome in this group.

Meets in Storyhill’s Cotton Mill Office Living Room at 209 Delburg Street #136, Davidson, NC 28036.

Please order your workbook through the GriefShare website if possible.

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Mentoring Opportunity for Moms of Young Children (Session 3)

Mentoring Opportunity for Moms of Young Children (Session 3)

For over a decade, Linda Reeb has encouraged moms of young children (typically preschoolers and elementary-aged kiddos) to lean into their God-given roles by applying the wisdom of the Bible to their everyday lives. Together, with Deb Hart and other mentor moms, we will discuss questions like, 

  • How can you align in motherhood with who God has created you to be? 

  • Is there a way to connect with other moms without comparing and competing?

  • Is your family marriage-centered, or family-centered?  If you are not married, was your family of origin marriage-centered or family-centered? What’s the difference, and why does it matter?

This group will give you an opportunity to learn, grow, and center your motherhood on wisdom from the scriptures. We look forward to cheering on moms of young  in the roles God has called them to in our world today.

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GriefShare - Week 11

GriefShare - Week 11

GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone--wherever you are in the grieving process, you are welcome in this group.

Meets in Storyhill’s Cotton Mill Office Living Room at 209 Delburg Street #136, Davidson, NC 28036.

Please order your workbook through the GriefShare website if possible.

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GriefShare - Week 12

GriefShare - Week 12

GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone--wherever you are in the grieving process, you are welcome in this group.

Meets in Storyhill’s Cotton Mill Office Living Room at 209 Delburg Street #136, Davidson, NC 28036.

Please order your workbook through the GriefShare website if possible.

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Kids Serve Team Orientation

Kids Serve Team Orientation

The church works best when her people are receiving and serving within the church. As we serve together, we engage in the Holy Spirits redemptive mission. On the Storyhill Kids Serve Team, we get excited about loving kids as they discover and live out their role in God’s redemptive story! Attend the next Serve Team Orientation on the 2nd Sunday of each month to lean more about the Kids Team! Prior to attending orientation class, please fill out THIS APPLICATION

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GriefShare - Week 13

GriefShare - Week 13

GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone--wherever you are in the grieving process, you are welcome in this group.

Meets in Storyhill’s Cotton Mill Office Living Room at 209 Delburg Street #136, Davidson, NC 28036.

Please order your workbook through the GriefShare website if possible.

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Mentoring Opportunity for Moms of Young Children (Session 4)

Mentoring Opportunity for Moms of Young Children (Session 4)

For over a decade, Linda Reeb has encouraged moms of young children (typically preschoolers and elementary-aged kiddos) to lean into their God-given roles by applying the wisdom of the Bible to their everyday lives. Together, with Deb Hart and other mentor moms, we will discuss questions like, 

  • How can you align in motherhood with who God has created you to be? 

  • Is there a way to connect with other moms without comparing and competing?

  • Is your family marriage-centered, or family-centered?  If you are not married, was your family of origin marriage-centered or family-centered? What’s the difference, and why does it matter?

This group will give you an opportunity to learn, grow, and center your motherhood on wisdom from the scriptures. We look forward to cheering on moms of young  in the roles God has called them to in our world today.

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Men's Abaco Mission Trip
to Feb 8

Men's Abaco Mission Trip

Team Leaders: Billy Flippin + Matt Cuttino

Storyhill has a longstanding relationship with the Caribbean Youth Network in Abaco, Bahamas. We would love for Storyhill men (and young men) to join our mission trip in partnership with CYN, where service opportunities may include youth ministry, sports outreach, light construction, painting, and food distribution.

Open to high school students and up, with space for 20 participants. No construction experience required.

To apply, attend one of the required interest meetings: Sunday, 9/15 at 12:15 pm at the YMCA upstairs conference room or Wednesday, 9/18 at 7:00 pm at the Storyhill White House (Zoom option available).

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Church-Wide Abaco Mission Trip
to Apr 26

Church-Wide Abaco Mission Trip

Team Leader: Amy Lykins

Storyhill has a longstanding relationship with the Caribbean Youth Network in Abaco, Bahamas. We would love for you to join our mission trip in partnership with CYN, where service opportunities may include youth ministry, sports outreach, light construction, painting, and food distribution.

Open to high school students and up, with space for 20 participants. No construction experience required.

To apply, attend one of the required interest meetings: Sunday, 9/15 at 12:15 pm at the YMCA upstairs conference room or Wednesday, 9/18 at 7:00 pm at the Storyhill White House (Zoom option available).

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Prayer on the Porch

Prayer on the Porch

As unrest, uncertainty and division seem to only grow more pronounced in the world around us, let us be ever more attentive to the power of praying together. Please join us on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 6:30 for Community Prayer on the Porch.

This 30 minute gathering, hosted by Gethsemane Baptist Church (565 Jetton St.), has become a powerful time of spiritual encouragement and unity in the church.

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A Taste of Community

A Taste of Community

Join us on August 18th for a Taste of Community! This event is going to be a hard-to-miss celebration. Not only will we be right outside the YMCA after both services (seriously...hard to miss), but we will also have food trucks, games, face painting, bubbles, and more!

We hope that while enjoying some food and fellowship, you might have the opportunity to learn about and join one of our Storyhill Community Groups. These groups support people finding their place of knowing and being known by others in the Storyhill Family. We hope to see you there!

Email with any questions:

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Wisdom of a 13 Year Old Church
to Aug 25

Wisdom of a 13 Year Old Church

Know: Lifelong Godly wisdom at a pivotal age, reinforcing Storyhill culture.

Do: Act on what you’ve learned. Special element: Asking the people of Storyhill to submit a picture of themselves at age 13, with some of them being used creatively throughout the series (e.g. as intro slides, a montage, social media, etc)

Overview: As of August 2024, Storyhill is officially a teenager: growing fast, a little awkward, sometimes insecure, growing pains, and needing to be reminded of who we are. Thirteen is a pivotal age worth celebrating and the right time to focus on some of the core wisdom we have needed – and will continue to need. And yet, when you learn something young, you can be bolder with it. You have less to lose. The truths can become part of your personality and how you approach life instead of trying to rewire yourself later. These sermons will be practical with topics like Financial Health/Stewardship of Time and Money, Engaging Politics/Christianity without Boundary Markers, and our Foundational Practices.


  • August 11 – Receive and Give (COMMUNION)

  • August 18 – Room for Zealots and Tax Collectors (TASTE OF COMMUNITY)

  • (13TH BIRTHDAY 8/21) August 25 – The Jar is Only So Big (NEW MP/BAPTISMS)

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Communion Sunday

Communion Sunday

Communion, like baptism, is a sacrament, meaning it is both a symbol and an assurance of God’s covenantal love. There is a symbolic nature to communion, like baptism, in that it paints a picture of how Jesus loves his followers. And yet, it is not simply symbolic. In communion, we are strengthened by God’s love.  

With communion, we remember the last meal Jesus shared with his first disciples before his crucifixion. Luke 22:14-16 - When the hour came, Jesus and his apostles reclined at the table. And he said to them, “I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer. For I tell you, I will not eat it again until it finds fulfillment in the kingdom of God.” 

When the first Christians saw the crucifixion of Jesus, they understood what he meant when he said his body would be broken for us, and his blood would be poured out for us. Jesus offered himself willingly as the Ultimate Passover Lamb, whose sacrifice invites us to experience God’s mercy, whose blood seals his followers into a covenantal relationship with God now and forever. 

How do we discern the body of Christ in communion? (1) In communion, we remember we are united with Jesus. In communion, we discern the body of Christ by recognizing that Jesus was broken and poured out for us. Jesus was crucified willingly to move our lives in a new direction as people who can be sealed in a covenantal relationship with God, as we say YES to Jesus. In communion, we remember that Jesus was [point] broken for us. So that we might be forever united with him, forever walk with him.  

If you would like to read more about Storyhill Communion, feel free to read Lead Teaching Pastor Michael Flake’s latest sermon on the subject.

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Back to School Supply Drive
to Aug 18

Back to School Supply Drive

Our sister church, Gethsemane Baptist Church, is collecting donations for its annual back-to-school supply drive. We are supporting them by collecting school supplies. Please see the graphic below for items, or shop here on our Amazon wish list. Donations can be dropped off at the church cotton mill office (209 Delburg St. in Davidson) M-F 8 am - 6 pm from Aug. 5-16 or at church on Sundays at the LKN YMCA on Aug 4, 11, and 18. This year, Gethsemane will not have an event to hand out supplies. Instead, they will donate supplies to a specific CMS school in need.

Donation Items:

  • Gel Pens

  • Crayons

  • Erasers

  • Post Its

  • Index Cards

  • Wood Pencils

  • Ball Point Pens

  • Rulers

  • Colored Pencils

  • Washable Markers

  • Sharpie Highlighters

  • 8x10.5 Filler Paper

  • Spiral Notebooks 8.5x11

  • 3 Prong Letter Size Folders

  • Glue Sticks

  • 2 Pocket Poly Folders

  • Calculators

  • Kids Scissors

  • 3-Ring Binders

  • Pencil Sharpeners

  • Plastic Protractors

  • Composition Books

  • Plastic Pencil Boxes

  • Handwriting Tablets

  • Scientific Calculators

If you have any questions, feel free to email

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Storyhill Studies | Reshaping Our View of Finances

Storyhill Studies | Reshaping Our View of Finances

Date: July 30 | 7:00-8:30 PM - Led by: Mike Whittington

So many voices are speaking into our personal (or familial) view of money. The world, our family of origin, our life experiences, the church…we could go on. Each of these voices can create fear and guilt, or hope and freedom if you can believe it.

The Bible has 2,350 verses that inspire, protect, and redirect our perspectives regarding money. You have been given personal gifts by the God of the universe and He gives you the freedom to choose how you will “steward” them.

This class will point you towards utilizing modern and simple tools to help organize and streamline your financial and career decisions. Freedom can be found for all of us. There is hope and inspiration to be found in every situation! Come join a community of people who are also seeking hope, freedom, and empowerment in their finances.

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Storyhill Studies | Living on Mission in Retirement | Meeting 4

Storyhill Studies | Living on Mission in Retirement | Meeting 4

Dates: Sundays July 7, 14, 21, and 28 | 4:00-6:00 PM - Led by: Daryl and Karen Poppen

Are you in your 40s, 50s, 60s, or beyond and thinking about what retirement will hold for you? When people hear “retirement planning,” they often think about finances. While money is essential, we believe it is even more important to think about and plan how and where you will spend your time. Are there ways that your talents, gifts, and experience can be used to serve God and further His kingdom, beginning right now and into retirement?

Living on Mission in Retirement is a four-week course on Sunday afternoons in July. At the end, you will have the beginnings of a retirement plan and personal mission statement that will guide you in making decisions about your future. We hope this will result in a retirement filled with eternal significance.

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Storyhill Studies | The Adventure and Gift of Prayer

Storyhill Studies | The Adventure and Gift of Prayer

Date: July 27 | 9:00 AM-3:00 PM - Led by: Bill and Katie Satterwhite

Do you long for more time and space for conversation with God? Has the current sermon series revealed some hard places in your heart that might need some breaking up so that the Holy Spirit can grow something new?

Katie and Bill Satterwhite will facilitate a day retreat for prayer on Saturday, July 27. This day is a chance to pull away from the busyness of life and join a smaller group for teaching, discussion, and experiencing the practice of prayer in solitude and in a group. Rest assured: no one will call on you or make you pray out loud! Come and see and learn in a safe and quiet place where the love of God will fill your thirsty soul.

The location for The Adventure and Gift of Prayer is to be determined, but it will take place in the Lake Norman area.

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Storyhill Studies | How Does God Uniquely Gift You to Make a Difference in this World | Meeting 2

Storyhill Studies | How Does God Uniquely Gift You to Make a Difference in this World | Meeting 2

Dates: Tuesdays July 16 and 23 | 7:00-8:30 PM - Led by: Holly Worsley

The Bible teaches us that every believer receives a God-designed and God-empowered ability to make a difference. God calls these gifts “Spiritual Gifts.” “There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and everyone, it is the same God at work. Now to each one, the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.” 1 Corinthians 12:4-7

You may have similar gifts to another believer in Christ, but because your natural gifts, personality, and life stage are different from others, the way you use your gift from God will be different from anyone else. Coming to understand how God has uniquely designed you will change everything about “your yes and your no,” how you serve, and how you relate to others in this world!

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Storyhill Studies | Living on Mission in Retirement | Meeting 3

Storyhill Studies | Living on Mission in Retirement | Meeting 3

Dates: Sundays July 7, 14, 21, and 28 | 4:00-6:00 PM - Led by: Daryl and Karen Poppen

Are you in your 40s, 50s, 60s, or beyond and thinking about what retirement will hold for you? When people hear “retirement planning,” they often think about finances. While money is essential, we believe it is even more important to think about and plan how and where you will spend your time. Are there ways that your talents, gifts, and experience can be used to serve God and further His kingdom, beginning right now and into retirement?

Living on Mission in Retirement is a four-week course on Sunday afternoons in July. At the end, you will have the beginnings of a retirement plan and personal mission statement that will guide you in making decisions about your future. We hope this will result in a retirement filled with eternal significance.

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Storyhill Studies | Unstructured Play for Children: Why Bother?

Storyhill Studies | Unstructured Play for Children: Why Bother?

Date: July 18 | 6:30-8:00 PM - Led by: Dr. Bill Satterwhite

Over the last 25 years, the United States has emphasized structured sports and rote learning at increasingly younger ages. Is that good for children? Are these approaches consistent with God’s designed developmental stages? What are we losing by diminishing or eliminating “child’s play” at school and home? Hear Dr. Bill Satterwhite discuss the myths and truths around child development, parenting, and the importance of play for children.

Bill has been a pediatrician for 25 years and is a frequent speaker on a variety of topics related to parenting, children, and life! He has four grown children and seven grandchildren. He still sees pediatric patients in the Charlotte area, but his full-time job is now as a national healthcare consultant.

Childcare will be provided, location to be announced.

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Storyhill Studies | How Does God Uniquely Gift You to Make a Difference in this World

Storyhill Studies | How Does God Uniquely Gift You to Make a Difference in this World

Dates: Tuesdays July 16 and 23 | 7:00-8:30 PM - Led by: Holly Worsley + Dave Griebner

The Bible teaches us that every believer receives a God-designed and God-empowered ability to make a difference. God calls these gifts “Spiritual Gifts.” “There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and everyone, it is the same God at work. Now to each one, the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.” 1 Corinthians 12:4-7

You may have similar gifts to another believer in Christ, but because your natural gifts, personality, and life stage are different from others, the way you use your gift from God will be different from anyone else. Coming to understand how God has uniquely designed you will change everything about “your yes and your no,” how you serve, and how you relate to others in this world!

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Storyhill Studies | Living on Mission in Retirement | Meeting 2

Storyhill Studies | Living on Mission in Retirement | Meeting 2

Dates: Sundays July 7, 14, 21, and 28 | 4:00-6:00 PM - Led by: Daryl and Karen Poppen

Are you in your 40s, 50s, 60s, or beyond and thinking about what retirement will hold for you? When people hear “retirement planning,” they often think about finances. While money is essential, we believe it is even more important to think about and plan how and where you will spend your time. Are there ways that your talents, gifts, and experience can be used to serve God and further His kingdom, beginning right now and into retirement?

Living on Mission in Retirement is a four-week course on Sunday afternoons in July. At the end, you will have the beginnings of a retirement plan and personal mission statement that will guide you in making decisions about your future. We hope this will result in a retirement filled with eternal significance.

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Storyhill Studies | How to Study the Bible

Storyhill Studies | How to Study the Bible

Date: July 11 | 7:00-8:30 PM - Led by: Heidi Karant

Join us for a class designed to equip you with the tools for responsible Bible study. In this class, we'll explore key techniques to deepen your understanding of scripture and grow closer to God. Together we will:

  • Understand the timeless principles and truths found throughout the Bible, which are affirmed across different passages and books of scripture.

  • Explore how viewing the Bible as a unified story, rather than selectively focusing on individual verses, can lead to profound transformation and insight.

  • Learn how to approach and reconcile apparent contradictions within the Bible. Delve into the historical context of biblical times to understand the text's richness and uncover additional layers of meaning.

  • Get practical guidance to help newcomers to the Bible start their study journey confidently and clearly with effective strategies and approaches.

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Storyhill Studies | Living on Mission in Retirement
to Jul 8

Storyhill Studies | Living on Mission in Retirement

Dates: Sundays July 7, 14, 21, and 28 | 4:00-6:00 PM - Led by: Daryl and Karen Poppen

Are you in your 40s, 50s, 60s, or beyond and thinking about what retirement will hold for you? When people hear “retirement planning,” they often think about finances. While money is essential, we believe it is even more important to think about and plan how and where you will spend your time. Are there ways that your talents, gifts, and experience can be used to serve God and further His kingdom, beginning right now and into retirement?

Living on Mission in Retirement is a four-week course on Sunday afternoons in July. At the end, you will have the beginnings of a retirement plan and personal mission statement that will guide you in making decisions about your future. We hope this will result in a retirement filled with eternal significance.

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Communion Sunday

Communion Sunday

Communion, like baptism, is a sacrament, meaning it is both a symbol and an assurance of God’s covenantal love. There is a symbolic nature to communion, like baptism, in that it paints a picture of how Jesus loves his followers. And yet, it is not simply symbolic. In communion, we are strengthened by God’s love.  

With communion, we remember the last meal Jesus shared with his first disciples before his crucifixion. Luke 22:14-16 - When the hour came, Jesus and his apostles reclined at the table. And he said to them, “I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer. For I tell you, I will not eat it again until it finds fulfillment in the kingdom of God.” 

When the first Christians saw the crucifixion of Jesus, they understood what he meant when he said his body would be broken for us, and his blood would be poured out for us. Jesus offered himself willingly as the Ultimate Passover Lamb, whose sacrifice invites us to experience God’s mercy, whose blood seals his followers into a covenantal relationship with God now and forever. 

How do we discern the body of Christ in communion? (1) In communion, we remember we are united with Jesus. In communion, we discern the body of Christ by recognizing that Jesus was broken and poured out for us. Jesus was crucified willingly to move our lives in a new direction as people who can be sealed in a covenantal relationship with God, as we say YES to Jesus. In communion, we remember that Jesus was [point] broken for us. So that we might be forever united with him, forever walk with him.  

If you would like to read more about Storyhill Communion, feel free to read Lead Teaching Pastor Michael Flake’s latest sermon on the subject.

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Prayer on the Porch

Prayer on the Porch

As unrest, uncertainty and division seem to only grow more pronounced in the world around us, let us be ever more attentive to the power of praying together. Please join us on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 6:30 for Community Prayer on the Porch.

This 30 minute gathering, hosted by Gethsemane Baptist Church (565 Jetton St.), has become a powerful time of spiritual encouragement and unity in the church.

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to Jun 27

Storyhill Kids Camp

At Storyhill Kids Camp, we will teach kids about the God who loves them and sent His Son to have a relationship with them. Kids three years old to rising third graders are invited to “Start the Party” and be reminded of friendship, belonging, forgiveness, life, and purpose - celebrating Jesus! Monday, June 24 - Thursday, June 27, from 9:00 a.m. to Noon, we will gather at Centre Church in Mooresville for games, crafts, snacks, dancing, and Biblical teaching! If you have more than one kid joining us for Kids Camp, use the promo code SIBLING for $10 off per child.

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Storyhill Studies | Little Known Women of the Bible

Storyhill Studies | Little Known Women of the Bible

Tuesday June 18 | 7:00-8:30 PM - Led by: Holly Worsley

What can we learn from women in the Bible like Miriam, Deborah, Huldah, Mary, Junia, Priscilla, and Phoebe? “Wait…who? I have never heard of half of them!” you might say. These women were leaders and teachers who served for example as a deacon, an elder, and a prophet. One led the entire nation of Israel in worship and each of these women served alongside great men of the faith.

Join us in learning about these women, how they served, and how the Lord moved in their lives. How might God desire to move in your life, or the life of your wife, friend, or daughter?

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Storyhill Studies | Tools For Your Prayer Toolbox

Storyhill Studies | Tools For Your Prayer Toolbox

June 13 | 7:00-8:30 PM - Led by: Bill and Katie Satterwhite

Sometimes when we hear verses like “pray without ceasing” and “pray about everything,” we can feel exhausted! Does prayer seem like a chore to you? Does it seem like something you should do but have no idea how to do? Does praying out loud with other people cause anxiety?

Come to a class taught by Katie and Bill Satterwhite to learn more about the adventure and the gift that prayer is meant to be! They will weave testimony of their own experiences and practices of prayer with practical tools to help you pray for yourself and for others.

This is a stand alone class, but Katie and Bill will also be facilitating The Adventure and Gift of Prayer on Saturday, July 27.

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Kids and Youth Move Up Sunday

As the school year ends, we are excited for our children's and youth's next chapter, which includes graduation and grade transitions. Next weekend (June 9th) is Move-Up Weekend at Storyhill Church!

Here's who will be moving up:

  • Preschoolers starting kindergarten in the fall will wait until then to move up.

  • All elementary students to the next grade level.

  • 5th graders to Youth Pathfinders during the 11:00 service.

  • 8th graders to High School ministry, joining us in the circle.

  • Seniors are heading off to their next chapter.

This week, we will handle administrative tasks to ensure a smooth transition. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us. We want to support you during this exciting time.

If you haven't received email communications from kids or youth ministries and have a child in that age group, please email us at or to stay updated on everything happening!

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Prayer on the Porch

Prayer on the Porch

As unrest, uncertainty and division seem to only grow more pronounced in the world around us, let us be ever more attentive to the power of praying together. Please join us on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 6:30 for Community Prayer on the Porch.

This 30 minute gathering, hosted by Gethsemane Baptist Church (565 Jetton St.), has become a powerful time of spiritual encouragement and unity in the church.

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Communion Sunday

Communion Sunday

Communion, like baptism, is a sacrament, meaning it is both a symbol and an assurance of God’s covenantal love. There is a symbolic nature to communion, like baptism, in that it paints a picture of how Jesus loves his followers. And yet, it is not simply symbolic. In communion, we are strengthened by God’s love.  

With communion, we remember the last meal Jesus shared with his first disciples before his crucifixion. Luke 22:14-16 - When the hour came, Jesus and his apostles reclined at the table. And he said to them, “I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer. For I tell you, I will not eat it again until it finds fulfillment in the kingdom of God.” 

When the first Christians saw the crucifixion of Jesus, they understood what he meant when he said his body would be broken for us, and his blood would be poured out for us. Jesus offered himself willingly as the Ultimate Passover Lamb, whose sacrifice invites us to experience God’s mercy, whose blood seals his followers into a covenantal relationship with God now and forever. 

How do we discern the body of Christ in communion? (1) In communion, we remember we are united with Jesus. In communion, we discern the body of Christ by recognizing that Jesus was broken and poured out for us. Jesus was crucified willingly to move our lives in a new direction as people who can be sealed in a covenantal relationship with God, as we say YES to Jesus. In communion, we remember that Jesus was [point] broken for us. So that we might be forever united with him, forever walk with him.  

If you would like to read more about Storyhill Communion, feel free to read Lead Teaching Pastor Michael Flake’s latest sermon on the subject.

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Art + Faith

Art + Faith

We serve a creative God who calls each of us to create in a multitude of ways. The Art + Faith community meets monthly and allows us to explore how our faith can and should inform what we create. It will also help us see how our very act of creating can draw us closer to God, closer to each other, and serve as a means of forming us more and more into the loving image of God made known in Christ. Join us as we gather together in this monthly conversation to learn from each other! Currently studying Adorning the Dark by Andrew Peterson.

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GriefShare - Week 15

GriefShare - Week 15

GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone--wherever you are in the grieving process, you are welcome in this group.

Meets in Storyhill’s Cotton Mill Office Living Room at 209 Delburg Street #136, Davidson, NC 28036.

Please order your workbook through the GriefShare website if possible.

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MS Sunday Funday - Ada Jenkins

MS Sunday Funday - Ada Jenkins

Our middle school Sunday “fun days” are monthly opportunities for good times with youth leaders and friends. Being a teenager isn’t always easy, and it can be stressful and lonely. We hope these “fun days” are a tangible reminder of the joy of the Lord while also providing an opportunity to have fun.

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WORSHIP + ARTS: Optional Practice (OP)

WORSHIP + ARTS: Optional Practice (OP)

Optional Practice (OP) is a beautiful opportunity to join the Worship and Arts team in an evening of music. This team of musicians and non-musicians gather weekly to pray and prepare for the upcoming Sunday. There is an open invitation for anyone in our community to join in!

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GriefShare - Week 14

GriefShare - Week 14

GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone--wherever you are in the grieving process, you are welcome in this group.

Meets in Storyhill’s Cotton Mill Office Living Room at 209 Delburg Street #136, Davidson, NC 28036.

Please order your workbook through the GriefShare website if possible.

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WORSHIP + ARTS: Optional Practice (OP)

WORSHIP + ARTS: Optional Practice (OP)

Optional Practice (OP) is a beautiful opportunity to join the Worship and Arts team in an evening of music. This team of musicians and non-musicians gather weekly to pray and prepare for the upcoming Sunday. There is an open invitation for anyone in our community to join in!

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