Storyhill Events

In View of God's Mercy | Part 2
to Jan 26

In View of God's Mercy | Part 2

Romans is a beloved yet challenging book of the Bible. Each chapter is so rich, it could be its own sermon series! But this series will walk through the major themes of Romans to help us see its overarching message:

  • God’s Righteousness (Chapters 1–4): God makes us right with Him through faith.

  • God Creates a New Humanity (Chapters 5–8): In Jesus, we are made new and given life.

  • God Fulfills His Promise to Israel (Chapters 9–11): God remains faithful to His promises.

  • God Unifies the Church (Chapters 12–16): The gospel unites us as one people across all differences.

Our goal is not to exhaustively study every word of Romans, but to move through significant sections quickly enough to grasp its heart—what theologian Karl Barth called “the supreme statement of theology”: Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.

In a world that changes constantly, what can we truly depend on? What is steady and sure, no matter what happens? Romans points us to a foundation we can build our lives on: Jesus.

We often seek security in good things—others’ approval, finances, health, relationships, or success. But when we ask those things to hold the weight of our lives, they can’t. They were never meant to.

Paul’s words to the Christians in Rome invite us to place our deepest security in the only One who can carry us—Jesus Christ. Because of His mercy, expressed through His life, death, and resurrection, we are invited to live transformed lives “in view of God’s mercy” (Romans 12:1).

May we find our sure foundation in Him.

  • Know: The true, lasting security for our lives – now and forever – is found in God’s work in Christ.

  • Do: Look there for your security even in the parts of life where this is hardest.


  • December 15 – Romans 9:1-11:36

    December 22 – Romans 12:1-8

    December 24 – (CHRISTMAS EVE)

    December 29 – Romans 13:1-14

    January 5 – Romans 12:9-21

    January 12 – Romans 14:1-15:13

    January 19 – Romans 15:14-33

    January 26 – Romans 16:1-27

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Welcome 101 - Day 1

Welcome 101 - Day 1

If you’re new to Storyhill Church and looking for opportunities to connect and grow in your faith, the best starting place is our Welcome 101 course.

During these sessions, our pastors will lead you on a journey to help you identify where you are spiritually and also help you define your next step. As you discover your role in God’s story, you’ll build relationships, find places to share your gifts, and have an opportunity to become a Ministry Partner (our term for member).

Must attend both Saturday & Sunday. Lunch is provided on Saturday.

Saturday, January 18 9am-1 pm | Sunday, January 19 - 1:30 - 3 pm | Led by Holly Worsley & Gray Segars

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Welcome 101 - Day 2

Welcome 101 - Day 2

If you’re new to Storyhill Church and looking for opportunities to connect and grow in your faith, the best starting place is our Welcome 101 course.

During these sessions, our pastors will lead you on a journey to help you identify where you are spiritually and also help you define your next step. As you discover your role in God’s story, you’ll build relationships, find places to share your gifts, and have an opportunity to become a Ministry Partner (our term for member).

Must attend both Saturday & Sunday. Lunch is provided on Saturday.

Saturday, January 18 9am-1 pm | Sunday, January 19 - 1:30 - 3 pm | Led by Holly Worsley & Gray Segars

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Men's Abaco Mission Trip
to Feb 8

Men's Abaco Mission Trip

Team Leaders: Billy Flippin + Matt Cuttino

Storyhill has a longstanding relationship with the Caribbean Youth Network in Abaco, Bahamas. We would love for Storyhill men (and young men) to join our mission trip in partnership with CYN, where service opportunities may include youth ministry, sports outreach, light construction, painting, and food distribution.

Open to high school students and up, with space for 20 participants. No construction experience required.

To apply, attend one of the required interest meetings: Sunday, 9/15 at 12:15 pm at the YMCA upstairs conference room or Wednesday, 9/18 at 7:00 pm at the Storyhill White House (Zoom option available).

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Church-Wide Abaco Mission Trip
to Apr 26

Church-Wide Abaco Mission Trip

Team Leader: Amy Lykins

Storyhill has a longstanding relationship with the Caribbean Youth Network in Abaco, Bahamas. We would love for you to join our mission trip in partnership with CYN, where service opportunities may include youth ministry, sports outreach, light construction, painting, and food distribution.

Open to high school students and up, with space for 20 participants. No construction experience required.

To apply, attend one of the required interest meetings: Sunday, 9/15 at 12:15 pm at the YMCA upstairs conference room or Wednesday, 9/18 at 7:00 pm at the Storyhill White House (Zoom option available).

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to Jul 1

Mission Trip to Western North Carolina

DATE: June 27 - July 1

Rebuilding Western NC will be a years-long process. Join us as we serve our Western NC neighbors and help them recover from hurricane Helene! Exact details of the project and location to be determined closer to the trip in order to fit the needs at that time.

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to Jul 9

YoungLives Camp

DATE: July 5 - July 9th

LOCATION: Rockbridge Young Life Camp

Led by: Gracie Nowak

Partnering with YoungLives, team members will serve in childcare at YoungLives camp. YoungLives is a ministry to teen parents and their children. By serving in childcare, team members will love on and form relationships with the kids while teen parents get to hear the gospel and enjoy a typical camp experience. 

Open to ages 14 & 15 (if accompanied by a parent) to ages 16 & 17 if accompanied by a guardian, and to men and women 18 & up.

For a closer look into what it is like to serve at YoungLives camp, check out THIS video.

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MISSIONS: Bolivia Team 1
to Jul 14

MISSIONS: Bolivia Team 1

DATES: July 6-14

Partnering with Children’s Impact Network, these teams will form relationships with the boys and staff at the Bolivia Life Center, CIN’s home for boys, through various fun activities. The teams will also partner with a local church to reach children in local communities and complete service projects at the Bolivia Life Center. 

Suggested for ages 10 & up | Room for 15 on each trip

Please note participants on both trips will serve in the same ways. The only differences between trips are the dates and leaders.

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MISSIONS: Bolivia Team 2
to Jul 21

MISSIONS: Bolivia Team 2

DATES: July 13 - 21

Partnering with Children’s Impact Network, these teams will form relationships with the boys and staff at the Bolivia Life Center, CIN’s home for boys, through various fun activities. The teams will also partner with a local church to reach children in local communities and complete service projects at the Bolivia Life Center. 

Suggested for ages 10 & up | Room for 15 on each trip

Please note participants on both trips will serve in the same ways. The only differences between trips are the dates and leaders.

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Women's Reset

Women's Reset

While the holiday season is full of joy, it can also leave us exhausted and in need of a "reset." We have been longing to gather as women since our fall retreat got cancelled, so we are going to gather on January 10th in Lingle Chapel (on the corner of Main St. and Concord Road) for a night of worship, scripture, and prayer. This will be a simple and laid-back night; come as you are, and we pray that you are blessed by the songs and passages of hope, strength, and encouragement.

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Christmas Eve Service

Christmas Eve Service

Join us as we celebrate Christmas Eve outside at 490 South Main Street with devotional services at 3:00 PM and 4:15 PM. Bring your own lawn chair and come ready to enjoy a meaningful 30-40 minute service featuring carols and a short message.

If weather does not permit gathering outdoors, we will cancel the in-person services.

Please note: Kids Ministry will not be available for these services.

We look forward to celebrating together!

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Mentoring Opportunity for Moms of Young Children (Session 4)

Mentoring Opportunity for Moms of Young Children (Session 4)

For over a decade, Linda Reeb has encouraged moms of young children (typically preschoolers and elementary-aged kiddos) to lean into their God-given roles by applying the wisdom of the Bible to their everyday lives. Together, with Deb Hart and other mentor moms, we will discuss questions like, 

  • How can you align in motherhood with who God has created you to be? 

  • Is there a way to connect with other moms without comparing and competing?

  • Is your family marriage-centered, or family-centered?  If you are not married, was your family of origin marriage-centered or family-centered? What’s the difference, and why does it matter?

This group will give you an opportunity to learn, grow, and center your motherhood on wisdom from the scriptures. We look forward to cheering on moms of young  in the roles God has called them to in our world today.

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GriefShare - Week 13

GriefShare - Week 13

GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone--wherever you are in the grieving process, you are welcome in this group.

Meets in Storyhill’s Cotton Mill Office Living Room at 209 Delburg Street #136, Davidson, NC 28036.

Please order your workbook through the GriefShare website if possible.

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Kids Serve Team Orientation

Kids Serve Team Orientation

The church works best when her people are receiving and serving within the church. As we serve together, we engage in the Holy Spirits redemptive mission. On the Storyhill Kids Serve Team, we get excited about loving kids as they discover and live out their role in God’s redemptive story! Attend the next Serve Team Orientation on the 2nd Sunday of each month to lean more about the Kids Team! Prior to attending orientation class, please fill out THIS APPLICATION

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GriefShare - Week 12

GriefShare - Week 12

GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone--wherever you are in the grieving process, you are welcome in this group.

Meets in Storyhill’s Cotton Mill Office Living Room at 209 Delburg Street #136, Davidson, NC 28036.

Please order your workbook through the GriefShare website if possible.

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GriefShare - Week 11

GriefShare - Week 11

GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone--wherever you are in the grieving process, you are welcome in this group.

Meets in Storyhill’s Cotton Mill Office Living Room at 209 Delburg Street #136, Davidson, NC 28036.

Please order your workbook through the GriefShare website if possible.

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Mentoring Opportunity for Moms of Young Children (Session 3)

Mentoring Opportunity for Moms of Young Children (Session 3)

For over a decade, Linda Reeb has encouraged moms of young children (typically preschoolers and elementary-aged kiddos) to lean into their God-given roles by applying the wisdom of the Bible to their everyday lives. Together, with Deb Hart and other mentor moms, we will discuss questions like, 

  • How can you align in motherhood with who God has created you to be? 

  • Is there a way to connect with other moms without comparing and competing?

  • Is your family marriage-centered, or family-centered?  If you are not married, was your family of origin marriage-centered or family-centered? What’s the difference, and why does it matter?

This group will give you an opportunity to learn, grow, and center your motherhood on wisdom from the scriptures. We look forward to cheering on moms of young  in the roles God has called them to in our world today.

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GriefShare - Week 10

GriefShare - Week 10

GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone--wherever you are in the grieving process, you are welcome in this group.

Meets in Storyhill’s Cotton Mill Office Living Room at 209 Delburg Street #136, Davidson, NC 28036.

Please order your workbook through the GriefShare website if possible.

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Storyhill Land Event: looking back | looking ahead

Storyhill Land Event: looking back | looking ahead

Join us for a special event where we’ll celebrate everything the Lord has accomplished with our Established in Love (EiL) campaign and look forward to the exciting transition into our new ministry space on South Main Street. This gathering will provide an opportunity for us to reflect on our journey so far, share updates on our new building, and look at how we can connect more deeply as a community through new serving opportunities.

Q&A and Serving Opportunities
Have questions about the new space or interested in ways to serve? We’ll have a dedicated time for Q&A, where you can learn more about the vision for our new space, ask questions, and explore serving roles to help you get plugged into our community.

Mark your calendars for this pivotal moment in our church’s story. Together, let’s take this next step with hearts ready to serve and celebrate!

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Kids Serve Team Orientation

Kids Serve Team Orientation

The church works best when her people are receiving and serving within the church. As we serve together, we engage in the Holy Spirits redemptive mission. On the Storyhill Kids Serve Team, we get excited about loving kids as they discover and live out their role in God’s redemptive story! Attend the next Serve Team Orientation on the 2nd Sunday of each month to lean more about the Kids Team! Prior to attending orientation class, please fill out THIS APPLICATION

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Prayer on the Porch

Prayer on the Porch

As unrest, uncertainty and division seem to only grow more pronounced in the world around us, let us be ever more attentive to the power of praying together. Please join us on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 6:30 for Community Prayer on the Porch.

This 30 minute gathering, hosted by Gethsemane Baptist Church (565 Jetton St.), has become a powerful time of spiritual encouragement and unity in the church.

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GriefShare - Week 9

GriefShare - Week 9

GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone--wherever you are in the grieving process, you are welcome in this group.

Meets in Storyhill’s Cotton Mill Office Living Room at 209 Delburg Street #136, Davidson, NC 28036.

Please order your workbook through the GriefShare website if possible.

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Foundations Class 3

Foundations Class 3

Foundations is our Youth version of Welcome101. This is led by staff and elders and offers our 8th & 9th-grade students an opportunity to come together and learn more about Storyhill church and how they can live out their role in God’s story. Content covers an overview of who is God, what is sin and why did we need a Savior in Jesus the Christ. We will also talk about the church’s role (as well as the role of the Holy Spirit) in continuing to carry out Jesus’ earthly ministry. We will then encourage students to think of how they can engage in the mission and vision of Storyhill Church.

Also, students will be given the opportunity to consider baptism, confirmation and joining Storyhill Church as a Ministry Partner.

Register here.

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Sermon Series | Wonder
to Dec 8

Sermon Series | Wonder


To those who receive Jesus, to those who believe in his name, he gives us the right to become children of God (cf. John 1:12). The language “children of God” is significant, as Jesus says that those who welcome children in his name welcome him (Matthew 18:1-5). Ultimately we must receive his Kingdom “like a little child” (Luke 18:15-17). The invitation is to “believe and ask,” as children do. They make sense of the world by identifying who they most trust and then asking those people an incredible number of questions. This is a humble posture in a world of know-it-alls. And yet, as we grow older, we get less and less comfortable with genuine questions. We may feel dumb for not knowing or unsure if our question is okay to ask. Authentic, heartfelt questions are an essential part of the journey of faith!

In this series, we will highlight some specific questions that the children have asked of our church as a way to talk about things that many adults also think about. We will ultimately respond to the kid-asked questions with a kid-understandable response (whether an answer, a further question, or an object lesson). We invite you to honestly wonder, as an important part of the Christ-centered life – to receive Jesus and his Kingdom with child-like wonder.

Know: Asking genuine, heartfelt questions is part of the journey of faith and deeper intimacy with God.

Do: Come to Jesus and His kingdom with wonder, asking genuine questions and believing He is with us in them.

November 3 – Did God create bad guys?

November 10 – If heaven is perfect and so happy, why are people afraid to die?

November 17 – Can God touch in the deep end?

November 24 – How does God speak if I don’t hear an actual voice?

December 1 – Is this story real or pretend?

December 8 – Why doesn’t God come to earth to visit us?

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GriefShare - Week 8

GriefShare - Week 8

GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone--wherever you are in the grieving process, you are welcome in this group.

Meets in Storyhill’s Cotton Mill Office Living Room at 209 Delburg Street #136, Davidson, NC 28036.

Please order your workbook through the GriefShare website if possible.

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Coat Drive
to Nov 10

Coat Drive

Join Storyhill Church and our sister church, Gethsemane Baptist, as we collect winter-wear for those in need in our community!

From now through November 10, we’re accepting new and gently used coats, sweaters, hats, scarves, new socks, and gloves in all sizes to help bring warmth this winter season.

Drop off your donations at the Lake Norman YMCA during Sunday services or at the Storyhill Cotton Mill office (209 Delburg Street, Davidson) during the week.

Together, we can make a big impact for families in Davidson and surrounding areas—thank you for being part of this season of giving!

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Communion Sunday

Communion Sunday

Communion, like baptism, is a sacrament, meaning it is both a symbol and an assurance of God’s covenantal love. There is a symbolic nature to communion, like baptism, in that it paints a picture of how Jesus loves his followers. And yet, it is not simply symbolic. In communion, we are strengthened by God’s love.  

With communion, we remember the last meal Jesus shared with his first disciples before his crucifixion. Luke 22:14-16 - When the hour came, Jesus and his apostles reclined at the table. And he said to them, “I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer. For I tell you, I will not eat it again until it finds fulfillment in the kingdom of God.” 

When the first Christians saw the crucifixion of Jesus, they understood what he meant when he said his body would be broken for us, and his blood would be poured out for us. Jesus offered himself willingly as the Ultimate Passover Lamb, whose sacrifice invites us to experience God’s mercy, whose blood seals his followers into a covenantal relationship with God now and forever. 

How do we discern the body of Christ in communion? (1) In communion, we remember we are united with Jesus. In communion, we discern the body of Christ by recognizing that Jesus was broken and poured out for us. Jesus was crucified willingly to move our lives in a new direction as people who can be sealed in a covenantal relationship with God, as we say YES to Jesus. In communion, we remember that Jesus was [point] broken for us. So that we might be forever united with him, forever walk with him.  

If you would like to read more about Storyhill Communion, feel free to read Lead Teaching Pastor Michael Flake’s latest sermon on the subject.

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Foundations Class 2

Foundations Class 2

Foundations is our Youth version of Welcome101. This is led by staff and elders and offers our 8th & 9th-grade students an opportunity to come together and learn more about Storyhill church and how they can live out their role in God’s story. Content covers an overview of who is God, what is sin and why did we need a Savior in Jesus the Christ. We will also talk about the church’s role (as well as the role of the Holy Spirit) in continuing to carry out Jesus’ earthly ministry. We will then encourage students to think of how they can engage in the mission and vision of Storyhill Church.

Also, students will be given the opportunity to consider baptism, confirmation and joining Storyhill Church as a Ministry Partner.

Register here.

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Worship Night

Worship Night

Join us for an intimate evening of worship as we gather to reflect on God’s presence in this season.

When: October 24th, 7:00–8:30 PM
Where: The Perri Home | 1110 Churchill Road, Davidson, NC

Come as you are, and let’s lift our voices together in a time of connection, reflection, and reverence. We can’t wait to worship with you.

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GriefShare - Week 7

GriefShare - Week 7

GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone--wherever you are in the grieving process, you are welcome in this group.

Meets in Storyhill’s Cotton Mill Office Living Room at 209 Delburg Street #136, Davidson, NC 28036.

Please order your workbook through the GriefShare website if possible.

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Welcome 101 - Day 2

Welcome 101 - Day 2

If you’re new to Storyhill Church and looking for opportunities to connect and grow in your faith, the best starting place is our Welcome 101 course.

During these sessions, our pastors will lead you on a journey to help you identify where you are spiritually and also help you define your next step. As you discover your role in God’s story, you’ll build relationships, find places to share your gifts, and have an opportunity to become a Ministry Partner (our term for member).

Must attend both Saturday & Sunday. Lunch is provided on Saturday.

Saturday, October 19 9am-1 pm | Sunday, October 20 - 1:30 - 3 pm | Led by Holly Worsley & Gray Segars

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Foundations Class 1

Foundations Class 1

Foundations is our Youth version of Welcome101. This is led by staff and elders and offers our 8th & 9th-grade students an opportunity to come together and learn more about Storyhill church and how they can live out their role in God’s story. Content covers an overview of who is God, what is sin and why did we need a Savior in Jesus the Christ. We will also talk about the church’s role (as well as the role of the Holy Spirit) in continuing to carry out Jesus’ earthly ministry. We will then encourage students to think of how they can engage in the mission and vision of Storyhill Church.

Also, students will be given the opportunity to consider baptism, confirmation and joining Storyhill Church as a Ministry Partner.

Register here.

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Welcome 101 - Day 1

Welcome 101 - Day 1

If you’re new to Storyhill Church and looking for opportunities to connect and grow in your faith, the best starting place is our Welcome 101 course.

During these sessions, our pastors will lead you on a journey to help you identify where you are spiritually and also help you define your next step. As you discover your role in God’s story, you’ll build relationships, find places to share your gifts, and have an opportunity to become a Ministry Partner (our term for member).

Must attend both Saturday & Sunday. Lunch is provided on Saturday.

Saturday, October 19 9am-1 pm | Sunday, October 20 - 1:30 - 3 pm | Led by Holly Worsley & Gray Segars

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Mentoring Opportunity for Moms of Young Children (Session 2)

Mentoring Opportunity for Moms of Young Children (Session 2)

For over a decade, Linda Reeb has encouraged moms of young children (typically preschoolers and elementary-aged kiddos) to lean into their God-given roles by applying the wisdom of the Bible to their everyday lives. Together, with Deb Hart and other mentor moms, we will discuss questions like, 

  • How can you align in motherhood with who God has created you to be? 

  • Is there a way to connect with other moms without comparing and competing?

  • Is your family marriage-centered, or family-centered?  If you are not married, was your family of origin marriage-centered or family-centered? What’s the difference, and why does it matter?

This group will give you an opportunity to learn, grow, and center your motherhood on wisdom from the scriptures. We look forward to cheering on moms of young  in the roles God has called them to in our world today.

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GriefShare - Week 6

GriefShare - Week 6

GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone--wherever you are in the grieving process, you are welcome in this group.

Meets in Storyhill’s Cotton Mill Office Living Room at 209 Delburg Street #136, Davidson, NC 28036.

Please order your workbook through the GriefShare website if possible.

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Kids Serve Team Orientation

Kids Serve Team Orientation

The church works best when her people are receiving and serving within the church. As we serve together, we engage in the Holy Spirits redemptive mission. On the Storyhill Kids Serve Team, we get excited about loving kids as they discover and live out their role in God’s redemptive story! Attend the next Serve Team Orientation on the 2nd Sunday of each month to lean more about the Kids Team! Prior to attending orientation class, please fill out THIS APPLICATION

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Serve Day

Serve Day

During Storyhill Serve Day, our Sunday worship takes the form of going out and serving in our community. Teams serve nearly twenty different projects, hoping to meet a need for an organization doing great work in our backyard. Serving together is one of our foundational practices as a church family, and we hope that Serve Day will be one way that we discover more about how we can engage in the Holy Spirit’s redemptive mission.

Are you interested in helping with planning, logistics, or leadership? Email

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GriefShare - Week 5

GriefShare - Week 5

GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone--wherever you are in the grieving process, you are welcome in this group.

Meets in Storyhill’s Cotton Mill Office Living Room at 209 Delburg Street #136, Davidson, NC 28036.

Please order your workbook through the GriefShare website if possible.

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