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Mentoring Opportunity for Moms of Young Children (Session 4)

  • Linda Reeb's Home 156 Bridgeport Drive Mooresville, NC, 28117 United States (map)

For over a decade, Linda Reeb has encouraged moms of young children (typically preschoolers and elementary-aged kiddos) to lean into their God-given roles by applying the wisdom of the Bible to their everyday lives. Together, with Deb Hart and other mentor moms, we will discuss questions like, 

  • How can you align in motherhood with who God has created you to be? 

  • Is there a way to connect with other moms without comparing and competing?

  • Is your family marriage-centered, or family-centered?  If you are not married, was your family of origin marriage-centered or family-centered? What’s the difference, and why does it matter?

This group will give you an opportunity to learn, grow, and center your motherhood on wisdom from the scriptures. We look forward to cheering on moms of young  in the roles God has called them to in our world today.

December 9

GriefShare - Week 13

December 15

In View of God's Mercy | Part 2