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Storyhill Studies | Living on Mission in Retirement | Meeting 3

Dates: Sundays July 7, 14, 21, and 28 | 4:00-6:00 PM - Led by: Daryl and Karen Poppen

Are you in your 40s, 50s, 60s, or beyond and thinking about what retirement will hold for you? When people hear “retirement planning,” they often think about finances. While money is essential, we believe it is even more important to think about and plan how and where you will spend your time. Are there ways that your talents, gifts, and experience can be used to serve God and further His kingdom, beginning right now and into retirement?

Living on Mission in Retirement is a four-week course on Sunday afternoons in July. At the end, you will have the beginnings of a retirement plan and personal mission statement that will guide you in making decisions about your future. We hope this will result in a retirement filled with eternal significance.

July 18

Storyhill Studies | Unstructured Play for Children: Why Bother?

July 23

Storyhill Studies | How Does God Uniquely Gift You to Make a Difference in this World | Meeting 2