In our upcoming series, The One Jesus Loves, we will be studying passages from the Biblical book of John. John was one of Jesus' closest companions, and throughout his gospel, he refers to himself as "the disciple Jesus loved." It's not that Jesus didn't love his other disciples – it's essentially John's sense of identity that he is best referred to as "the disciple Jesus loved" and loves. Not the one he tolerated or that embarrassed him. The one he loved!
We invite you to consider a similar identity for yourself: I am the one Jesus loves. (In fact, in Jesus, this proactive and sacrificial love has been God's heart all along.) As receivers of undeserved love, may we also be givers of undeserved love, showing the transformation of Jesus in our lives.
Throughout this series, we will be sharing "God stories" (or testimonies) that emphasize this grace & truth at the heart of John: Jesus came so that we might not be condemned but, in fact, might live. As we root our lives in him, we bear a different kind of fruit. We come to love others as he has loved us, ultimately being willing to lay down our lives for his sake and the sake of the ones Jesus loves.