What’s To Come
Storyhill is working on plans to assist with immediate needs through local efforts like organizing, donating, and packing, as well as deployment opportunities for those able to serve. Our initial efforts, in partnership with other organizations and churches, are outlined below.
Coming soon: Packing, donation and delivery opportunities to the Hendersonville/King's Mountain/Forest City area in partnership with our friends at Grace Covenant Church and Journey Church.
All hands on deck: Samaritan's Purse will be sending teams the week of October 28th - 30th to Western NC, and a team from Storyhill will join in for three days to assist Samaritan's Purse with debris cleanup, roof tarping, and mud removal. If you want to join this trip, please email missions@storyhill.org for more details.
The situation will take at least six weeks to stabilize, with safer roads, cleared debris, and restored services like drinking water and cell coverage. The most impactful volunteer opportunities will arise in the next few months and continue over the next three years, highlighting the long-term nature of our work. As we move forward, we will partner with EPC churches in Montreat, Asheville, and nearby areas to assist. Storyhill will send small teams for various projects and will share ways you can help. We are deeply grateful for the love and compassion being shown through our ministry partners during this time of need.